The Political Theory of Prout

The Political Theory of PROUT, includes 4 concepts, which are quite new for their analisys and approach. Below it given just an abstract and the link which gbring to the full chapter. They are:

Politics Beyond Liberalism

The experience of contemporary history has exposed the fallacies of cherished social, political and economic ideas, classical as well as revolutionary. As the world is full of opportunities – material, mental and spiritual – building a better and freer society is a practical possibility. However, we are observing a process of social decadence, moral degeneration and a collapse of values which is corroding the springs of human action and corrupting the ideals of civilized life. Failure and disappointment are bound to follow if we attempt to solve the problems of our time with the ideas of previous centuries. These ideas of the past emphasized material progress and scientific development. However, the mental makeup and moral standard of the civilized community have not matched the level of material progress. In other words, the development of civilization – refined cultural progress – has proven far slower than scientific development.

Individual Liberty and Collective Interest

There is a general concept that to coerce a person is to deprive that person of his or her freedom.  But the question remains, freedom from what?  The liberal view is that one should be free to express one’s desires. But this is not as simple as it appears. In so-called democratic countries, political freedom means voting rights, freedom of expression, freedom of association, and freedom to accumulate property.  It is clear that this concept of freedom leads to socio-economic inequality. This has been a controversial question since the eighteenth century. The Marxist concept of social law is already well known.

Justice, Law and Morality

Since the dawn of civilisation, every religion and society has made prohibitions, rules and principles for strict compliance and observation in order to benefit the people as a whole.  Punishments for lawbreakers have also been fixed. Criminals or offenders have always been looked down upon as the vilest creatures of society.  In any religious text, utter condemnation of the guilty can be found. Not the criminals alone even their dependents and family get persecuted or may even be made outcasts. It seems surprising that even this severity, though undeserved, irrational and inhuman, does not deter many from breaking the law, and many others from starting a life of crime. Law and its agency, justice, have proved ineffective in the prevention of crime. Why is this?

World Goverment

Even today, we find that there are clashing tides of colour, race, nation, religion and gender that continue to create mutual antagonisms, myths and dreams that divide the human society into hostile camps, and unfortunately there is no world body with a firm resolve to neutralize such hostilities. It was hoped that the United Nations Organisation could finally carry out its duties in a world government framework, but it does not yet have the authority, strength or the necessary political design to accomplish its task.

The tyrannisation and oppression of  Tibetan people, suppression and subjugation of Palestinian people, persecution of minorities in Bangladesh, ruthless invasion of Iraq on falls pretext and denying the authority of U.N., conflict in Kashmir and Sri Lanka, conspiracy of the economic tycoons to control the economic power, demonstrate clearly the impotence of the United Nations.

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